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2.20.2020 Countdown to Celebration!


-Concert Reminder: Peter's 30th Birthday Concert To Celebrate the Need: February 22, 8pm

-New Review of Peter's Choral Music published in Fanfare Magazine!

Dear friends,

As we barrel towards this weekend and my upcoming concert, To Celebrate the Need: New Vocal Music, I feel the full weight of gratitude for all of the support structures that have helped make this concert, as well as virtually all of my musical accomplishments, possible. You will hear some truly astounding performers on Saturday, February 22 at 8pm if you are able to make it to 302 E Federal St, Baltimore, MD 21202, in an inspiring setting! I am so excited for the friends and family who will be attending and I hope you will be there among them!


Concert Reminder: Peter's 30th Birthday Concert To Celebrate the Need: February 22, 8pm

Concert postcard, graphic designed by Grant Anderson (Studio 5N host), inked by artist Kieran Solley

It's happening! This weekend! A concert of my music for lower voice ranges spanning works from 2017 to just this past October (2019), I will be stepping out onstage to premiere a set of songs inspired by natural poetry, Just A Leaf, three challenging pieces in both rhythm and range. In addition I will be singing Fresh in the Triumph, a musical-theater-style song inspired by Virginia Woolf's novel, and participating in The Need of Comrades (my Whitman cantata) as the "Lover" character.

Also featured on the concert will be two works for TTBB, performed by a powerful vocal quartet. The pieces include my choral piece That Will Not Save, a setting of one of A.E. Housman's epigrammatic poems lamenting the deaths of British soldiers, and my setting of W.B. Yeats's apocalyptic The Second Coming. The evening is going to be quite a ride! I hope you'll join us for the concert, champagne, and cake!

To Celebrate the Need will take place on Saturday, Feb 22 at 8pm at 302 E Federal St, Baltimore, MD 21230. The concert is free with a suggested donation of $15, which goes to supplementing the performers' pay.


New Review of Peter's Choral Music published in Fanfare Magazine!

Fanfare Magazine's Colin Clarke reviewed a compilation CD that several of my choral works are featured on in their Jan/Feb 2020 issue: the New Choral Voices, Vol. 2 album produced by Ablaze Records. In his summary of the suite of works included on the album Clarke wrote:

Dayton’s setting [of By Disposition of Angels, text by Marianne Moore] is highly beautiful, its dissonances moving the listening into an interior space. The world of the second setting, that of Vicki Hearne’s “The Tree That Plucks Fruit” is more mobile, an almost kaleidoscopic patchwork that leads to the lushness of “Midsummer” (text William Bronk) where solo voices radiantly illuminate the glowing harmonic basis. This is a lovely piece, lovingly performed.

Listen for yourself on Soundcloud or purchase the album here!


There are more exciting things coming down the pike, but I am keeping this posting short and focused on the concert this weekend. But be ready for new pieces and new performances coming soon! Hopefully I will see many of you on Saturday!



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